Essay On Universal Brotherhood.The world is not as big as it used to be. Today, rapid communication facilities have brought us all very close together. Environmental concern has also brought us to think of ourselvesbeing the direct causes of each other's happiness. Forest tires in Indonesia cause haze in Singapore; industries in one European country cause acid rain in another. No more can we afford to live within our own countries' boundaries and say that we do not need others. In fact, in the area of economics, we have already realized the value of looking after each other.
We are not far from the idealistic state of living as members of a family. The idea of universal brotherhood is not a strange one. Many great men have written about it from time. There is so much more to be gained if man can live in the ideal of universal brotherhood. Imagine a world of plenty. Right now there is a situation in the world of plenty in one area and extreme poverty in other areas.
With the consciousness of universal brotherhood there will not be poverty anywhere. We know that at least as far as food is concerned, there is abundance. With food being distributed like within a family, the farmers in the rain forest countries will not cut down the forests for farming. They just don't have to and can do other work.
With universal brotherhood. there is no such thing as countries or border. We can go to each other's countries at will with no such fuss as passports and immigration. If we can travel so freely within our own countries, and if we are all as brothers, we could just work or live anywhere in the world that pleases us. With the concept of universal brotherhood too will come that deep love for each other. If there is just more love in the world than at present. the world will be a beautiful place to life in indeed.
If ever human being in the world will consider every other human being as a brother, then even the idea of war will cease to exist. Is this possible? We have many examples in the world of small communities living in love and brotherhood. If this is possible for even a few human beings, the idea of universal brotherhood is just an expansion of the idea.
Last but not least, tolerence is also very important for universal brotherhood. If we develop this virtue in ourselves, it is very easy to make this world heaven. Modern scientific inventions like computer. TV., disk and internet has converted this world to a big village. That is why it is hour of need that we should develop universal brotherhood.
We are not far from the idealistic state of living as members of a family. The idea of universal brotherhood is not a strange one. Many great men have written about it from time. There is so much more to be gained if man can live in the ideal of universal brotherhood. Imagine a world of plenty. Right now there is a situation in the world of plenty in one area and extreme poverty in other areas.
With the consciousness of universal brotherhood there will not be poverty anywhere. We know that at least as far as food is concerned, there is abundance. With food being distributed like within a family, the farmers in the rain forest countries will not cut down the forests for farming. They just don't have to and can do other work.
With universal brotherhood. there is no such thing as countries or border. We can go to each other's countries at will with no such fuss as passports and immigration. If we can travel so freely within our own countries, and if we are all as brothers, we could just work or live anywhere in the world that pleases us. With the concept of universal brotherhood too will come that deep love for each other. If there is just more love in the world than at present. the world will be a beautiful place to life in indeed.
If ever human being in the world will consider every other human being as a brother, then even the idea of war will cease to exist. Is this possible? We have many examples in the world of small communities living in love and brotherhood. If this is possible for even a few human beings, the idea of universal brotherhood is just an expansion of the idea.
Last but not least, tolerence is also very important for universal brotherhood. If we develop this virtue in ourselves, it is very easy to make this world heaven. Modern scientific inventions like computer. TV., disk and internet has converted this world to a big village. That is why it is hour of need that we should develop universal brotherhood.