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Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

The Pros And Cons Of The School System

The Pros and Cons of the School System

The school system is a vital institution in every society, providing an avenue for children to learn, develop and acquire skills that will help them in their future endeavors. However, like any other institution, the school system has its advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, we will discuss both the pros and cons of the school system.


Provides Education

The school system provides students with a formal education. It is a structured approach to learning that aims to develop the cognitive and academic abilities of the students. It encompasses a broad range of subjects such as mathematics, science, history, literature, and the arts. The curriculum is designed to cater to the different learning styles of students, ensuring that they acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to become well-rounded individuals. The school system provides a foundation for students to acquire knowledge and skills that are critical to their success in life.

Fosters Socialization

The school system provides an opportunity for students to interact with their peers. It enables students to develop social skills, learn how to work in teams, and build lasting relationships. Students learn to appreciate the diversity and different cultures that exist within their communities. This exposure to different cultures and ideas helps students to become more tolerant and accepting of others, leading to a more cohesive and harmonious society.

Provides Opportunities for Extracurricular Activities

The school system provides students with opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama, music, and debate. These activities help students to develop their talents, build confidence, and improve their social skills. They also provide an opportunity for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and discover their passions. Students who engage in extracurricular activities tend to perform better academically and have a better overall school experience.

Preparation for Higher Education

The school system prepares students for higher education. It teaches them the necessary skills and knowledge required for college and university. It also prepares students for standardized tests like SAT and ACT, which are required for college admission. The school system helps students to develop the critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are essential for success in higher education.



The school system is based on a standardized curriculum, which may not be suitable for every student. The curriculum is designed to cater to the average student, and this may not be suitable for students who learn differently. Some students may find the curriculum too challenging or not challenging enough, leading to frustration or boredom. Moreover, the emphasis on standardized testing may put undue pressure on students and teachers alike. The focus on grades may cause students to prioritize grades over learning.

Limited Creativity

The school system may limit students' creativity. The focus on rote learning and memorization may stifle students' creativity and discourage them from thinking outside the box. Moreover, the emphasis on grades may cause students to prioritize grades over learning. Students who are creative and think outside the box may not perform well in the traditional school system, leading to a lack of diversity in the workforce.


The school system may perpetuate inequality. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods may have better facilities and resources than schools in poorer neighborhoods, leading to an uneven distribution of opportunities. Moreover, students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges, such as language barriers, that may hinder their learning. These students may not have access to the same resources and opportunities as their more affluent peers, leading to a lack of diversity in the workforce.


The school system may cause students to experience stress. The pressure to perform well in school, coupled with the emphasis on standardized testing and grades, may cause students to experience stress and anxiety. This stress may have negative effects on their mental health and well-being, leading to burnout or even depression. The school system should focus on providing a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages students to learn and grow at their own pace.


In conclusion, the school system has both its advantages and disadvantages. It provides students with a formal education, fosters socialization, provides opportunities for extracurricular activities, and prepares students for higher education. However, it also has its drawbacks, including standardization, limited creativity, perpetuating inequality, and causing stress. The school system should strive to create a balanced approach that addresses the drawbacks while building on the advantages. By doing so, the school system can provide students with an education that prepares them for success in life while fostering their well-being and mental health.


Essay On Banking System

Essay On Banking System.

Modern financial practice is of a complicated nature having attained this highly developed efficiency after ages of evolution, but the profession of banking in some form or the other has existed even in the earliest times. The original form of banking in our country may have been purely money-lending but with the changing need of times people felt the need of depositing money for safe custody and interest with persons or businessmen of integrity and character.

The money so deposited would etch some interest to the depositor while the persons entrusted with the money would lend it out to others at a higher rate of interest than he himself was paying. This. I its simplest form, is the practice of banking, lending out on interest moneys that have been deposited by other persons.

Banking is a very necessary wheel in the complicated machinery of modern commerce. It is noticed that countries which are most advanced in commerce and trade have a very efficient and highly developed system of banking.

In Pakistan the modern system has not extended far enough and this does to spell well for the country's trade. Credit plays a very important part in modern business. A perfectly honest businessman may have the capacity to invest money in such a way as to derive a great profit out of it and his business may call for greater investment that he can meet from his own purse.

It is in such a case that he is to utilise other people's money which for them may not have the same productive value. It is the banks that, by supplying the requisite money, not only help the individual concerned in his business, but also realise the full productive worth of money and increase the trade and commerce of the country. Thus an important functions of banks is to prevent hoarding of wealth with individuals by taking charge of there money for safe custody with an undertaking to return it either at a definite date or on demand.

For fixed deposits banks usually pay a higher rate of interest than in other cases, of they can safely invest such moneys in one business or the other for a definite period. In case of current deposit the banker undertakes to repay the money on demand by meeting cheques of order notes of the depositor and as he has to produce money at a very short notice, he has to keep a considerable portion of it in hand or invested in such a manner than it can be collected almost at once.

It may not be out of place to mention here the more complicated functions of a modern bank. Besides the function of borrowing and lending, keeping money in safely custody, some banks exercise. Bank also serve as places of safe deposit not only for money but also for jewellery, documents and valuable securities. In Pakistan business of all the above natures is done by native banks. The international business of agency for payments between one country and another is done mostly by foreign banks which have their branches in this country.

Scope from the above prefatory remarks it can be gathered that banking as a profession has the potentiality of providing work for thousands of youngmen. The start on the profession, it must be admitted, is not very encouraging and the work is hard especially for the first few years. The hours of office work are generally long and holidays are few and far between. But withal this, banking affords really good prospects for the person with a steady mind who is not afraid of hard work and has a lot patience in him.

A junior clerk who has had no previous training will have to being at the very lowest rung of the ladder and may have to pick up office routine business of sorting and filing the papers. affixing rubber stamps, bringing the "pass books- of customers accounts up date, assisting in classifying the cheques sent in for payment. Later on he may be entrusted with entries in the ledger -- a more responsible and, therefore, better paid work is done systematically by the clerical staff.

Thus from the counter he may be promoted to the chair. If he is found efficient. he may be given charge of a branch as its manager, in which case he will be responsible for all that is done in the branch and will have to exercise great deal of caution in the amount of credit he allows to businessmen, the way in which he tackles business problems and the manner in which he organises the work. In the last years of his service he may get a really good post of responsibility at the head office.

It must be made clear that banking does not encourage men who want to get rich quick. The progress is slow but steady and for the competent person there are really good jobs at the top.

Qualification: Patience and love of methodical work, neatness and accuracy, amenability to discipline are the essential requisites of a bank clerk, for he has to be formed into an efficient cog in a highly complicated machinery. As the bank clerk has to come contact with a large number of customers of varied types, temperament and character, he should have a presentable appearance, good address and manner, reliability and honesty.

He must also be the professor of a good general education, for if he aspires to managership of or some other responsible job which imposes on him the duty of dealing with a large number of persons, he must have educational attainments to be capable of dealing with varied situations calling forth tact and knowledge of finance, psychology and commercial law. Thus university education up to the degree standard is the generally accepted qualification. Bachelors of Commerce are more eagerly taken into employment by banks than those in arts or the sciences.

Essay on Students and Politics

Of late much has been said in pros and cons of the burning question, "Should students take part in politics". A few years ago the supreme court of Pakistan gave their verdict on the question and prohibited the students from taking active part in politics. The government of all the four provinces imposed ban on student’s political organizations. The educational institutions went a step farther and before giving them admission they demanded the students to submit un undertaking that they would not take part in politics. Despite all these steps the things arc not so bright as expected.

We know that anything, if done unscrupulously, will lose its charms and benefits. Even the acts of kindness, generosity and magnanimity become undesirable if not kept within limits and arc performed recklessly. The participation of students in politics is not an exception. Since it has not been done in an appropriate way, and has been given the freedom of crossing all limits, it has become a curse.
Unfortunately, in Pakistan all the major political parties have their baby organizations in schools, colleges, vocational institutes and universities. These organizations have not been reacted with a view to training the students for future but only for serving the political ends and interest of their parent politic all parties. They arc encouraged by their parent bodies to take extreme actions to crush their opponent by violence and to create commotions. The educational institutions are closed for long periods due to their strikes, killings, putting offices to fire, breaking furniture and destroying what things they can lay hands on. And when the culprits are arrested the concerned political parties put up a hue and cry, issue threatening statements and accuse the authorities with the result that the culprits become heroes and get encouragement.

Students have the right to prepare themselves for the future. Some of them would be required in future to lead people politically, to participate in the politics of the country or hold sonic important political office in the government. To prepare themselves for this, they need practical training so that they may prove efficient leaders in future. This training must start on a small scale. They should not be allowed to take active part in the politics of the country and play tools in the hands of senior politicians who serve their political ends by instigating them. In fact the student who participate in the politics of the country and behave like a puppet in the hands of selfish and conscience-less senior politician serve neither themselves nor the country.

Our students arc intelligent. They should realize their duty as a student and should not sacrifice their academic career for politics. They must, first of all, get knowledge, then participate in politics.

They are reasonable, patriotic and selfless. They must not fly to destroy the properties of their institutions or public properties. Their politics must be limited to the affairs of their debating societies and unions for training purpose.

Essay on Physical Education

Education aims at bringing about an all-round development of an individual which in the psychological terms is called personality. To develop the personality of a child and shape it, his emotional, social and physical sides should not be overlooked but should also be developed along with his Intellectual and mental capacities.

Physical educator aims at not only developing the physical side of an individual but also his emotional, social and menial sides. It develops the function of various organs, strengthens them and improves their capabilities. It develops those parts of the brain which control coordination of various limbs, muscles and nerves. This process is something very complicated amid without physical exercises development of coordination cannot be attained.

Physical education has its corrective values also and alias at removing the functional defects of various organs muscles and nerves. it makes organs, that have lost function, work again. It also aims at preventing diseases, showing down the process of aging aid keeping a man lit when he is old.

Physical education aims at teach lug emotional and social behaviours. Through games and sports t child learns to be cooperative and to submit to the rules and laws. He learns to control his feelings, anger and reactions. He learns how to live amicably with others. He learns the principle of give and take. He learns the necessity of submission to authorities. He learns how to compete fairly in this world and how to achieve his goals honestly. He learns the importance of learn works. Endurance, tolerance and fortitude are the characteristics that an individual cultivates by taking part in games and sports.

Nature teaches us the importance of physical education from the beginning. The physical and mental development of a newly born child is brought about by nature through her physical activities. She uses her limbs all the time she is, awake. Grown up children imitate elders and like to play. These physical activities develop their physical aspects as well as mental aspects. They learn to tolerate each other and to behave in a rational way and the games make them forget their quarrels or disagreements to become playmates again.
Theoretically we recognize the importance of physical education but practically we have not given it its due place. In our school curriculum, we should include physical education as one of the subjects and students may l examined in theory and practice as in other subject.

Duties of a Student

An ideal student is the apple of his teachers eye, a source of great pleasure and satisfaction to his parents and guardians and an architect of his own future. During the period of studentship, he plans and prepares himself for his career. He lays the foundation stone of his future, cultivates habits and traits to make him a good citizen and develops the qualities that may ensure a happy, prosperous and successful life.

The first and the foremost duty of an ideal student is to devote a reasonable Lime to his studies daily. Learning and acquiring knowledge is the first thing required of a student but the time allotted for this must be judicious and reasonable. If he exceeds this limit it would be harmful as he would get tired and lose concentration. If he remains behind limit ho would not gain as much as is expected.

The second thing required of a student is to look after his physical side also. He must devote a reasonable time to games and sports. In olden days parents in general and teachers in particular considered indulgence of boys in games and sports as something undesirable and harmful. But to-day an educationist knows the value of games and sports and considers it necessary for physical and mental development and cultivation of habits and traits that may enable a student to lead a happy social life.

Discipline is another quality, an ideal student must possess. He must respect and obey his teachers and follow their instructions in terms of the instructions of our Holy Prophet. He is religiously bound to obey and respect his teachers and he has no option. Besides, he must respect the rules, regulations imposed upon him by his educational institution and his teachers. To observe discipline only in school, college or university is not enough. He must be disciplined in his home life, in play ground and elsewhere also.
An ideal student must help other weak students or his weak class fellows. He must try to remove their deficiencies and improve their knowledge by helping them in their studies. But he must not be proud of his knowledge and treat them as inferiors. He should not impress upon them his superiority but must real them as his equals.

An ideal student does not indulge himself in mean things like backbiting, mixing with bad characters, killing his time or quarrelling. He must cultivate the habit of being polite, courteous and in-offensive. He should take care not to offend a person physically, mentally or sentimentally, even unintentionally. He must not use abusive language or insults others to satisfy his instinct of revenge.
The last thing required of an ideal student is to take advantage of this period of studentship and try to prepare himself for the life ahead, so that he many lead a prosperous and happy life and may be prepared to encounter successfully untoward circumstances and fevers and frets of life.

A Rainy Day

After the scorching heat of summer, which makes grass, herbs and small plants wither, how gracious it is to have rains. The showers come as boon to men, animals and plants yearning for it.
As the raindrops leap on the thirsty ground, things change suddenly. The weather becomes pleasant. Cool gushes of wind feel most welcomed. The heat, that has become unbearable, abates. Men, animals and plants become fresh, wetting themselves and enjoying the rain.
A rainy day proves a source of joy to the students. They come to school totally drenched. They don’t appear to be in a mood to attend to their classes. They stand in verandah, talking, laughing and enjoying the day. The teachers are also not in a mood to teach. The headmaster declares, the rainy day as holiday and students go back to their homes again drenching and bathing in the rain. Light hearted and full of glee as they are then, they enjoy the downpour making noises, laughter’s and having to push each other down.

The little children enjoy a rainy day the most. They bathe in the rain, chase each other and throw the rain water on their friends. Some of them run about naked and enjoy the showers. They laugh, shout and do all sorts of mischievous. After the showers arc over the sail paper boats in the rain water.
A rainy day is also a boon to the matured and grown up people. Some of them, troubled with heat pricks, drench themselves in the rain to abate their agony. Those who are elderly sit and watch in raining, which comes as a boon after the trouble some heat of the summer.

Why Do We Need To Learn English

The importance of English cannot be ignored. It has become the international medium of communication because before World War II, the English People dominated the world and after World War II the Americans, who also speak English, dominate the world. But the importance of English in Pakistan is far greater than in other countries. To speak English is considered by people as something very superior and those who speak English consider themselves to be more cultured. Using English wards in daily Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi and Pakhtoon conversations has become the fashion and all persons using these words foci proud of this. Under these circumstances, when the entire nation has become mental slave of her former masters, the importance of English cannot be ignored.

Another important reason for adopting English as medium of instruction is that we do not have books on scientific and technical subjects in Urdu or provincial dialects and those available arc substandard as far matter is concerned. Under these circumstances we have no option but to learn English and continue to keep English as medium of instruction in our country, those who are learned and considered authorities on their subjects do not bother to write books in Urdu. They feel that they can better express their thoughts in English.

Students in general and science students in particular have no option but to learn English in colleges and universities they are given lectures in English Standard books on all subjects are available in English. The research materials are available in English. In examinations they must answer in English And believe me, the students up to intermediate level feel that they will get better marks if they submit their answer in English.

There is another important reason for learning English and continuing keep it as medium of instruction. Though Urdu has been declared as national language, English is used everywhere. The government files arc maintained in English and all official correspondence is done in English. In banks, insurance companies, factories and other offices English is used. In courts the medium of expression is English. Traders prefer to advertise in English and even the Pakistan television gives the schedule of its daily programme in English. Such being the importance’s given to English why should the students not learn English.

Our postgraduate students need to go to America or England for further studies and for doctorate. These countries do not give educational visas to those who are not able to pass the language examinations conducted by them. In our own countries we lack the research facilities which are available there. We must, therefore, continue to learn English and to keep English as a medium of instruction.

For our scientists, technicians, engineers and experts English will be always needed to keep in touch with the scientific and technical developments taking place abroad. Our own national language is not going to have such books for decades to conic and if we do not learn English we will remain ignorant or lag behind in the race for technical knowledge. One important thing must not be ignored. Due to fast developing regional prejudices and hatreds, it is only English that can provide the best link between people of all regions and us such English should be continued as medium of instruction and must he made compulsory from primary level.

Short Essay on Vocational Education

We have inherited our present educational system from our former masters, who needed only clerks and produced them. The result of following the same system after our masters have gone, continues to produce clerks who are now not needed in such a number. Consequently, we are faced with the acute problem of unemployment’s and to provide employment to all these graduates and post graduate is impossible. That is why in every house one or more unemployed graduates can be found. This unemployment is to be get crimes and hence the lawlessness and crimes are on the increase.
It is high time that the recognition to the need of vocational education is given. If started in earnest from school level and continued up to university, the problem of unemployment may be solved to a great extent and those who do riot get job may become self employed.

Our country is in the process of development. Industrialization of the country demands skilled labour, craftsmen, technicians and engineers. To meet the future demand the ministry of education should chalk out a programme to introduce vocational education at the school level.

It is sad that in the presence of polytechnic institutes, vocational education is not considered necessary at school level. But the fact is that these polytechnic institutes arc wasting energy and money. The teachers are mostly those who have passed examination of Diploma Associate They conic in the class and dictate notes from their notebooks which most of the students are unable to follow.

The practical side remains almost nil. In institute where there arc machines for practical work, they are never used and gel rusted. In the examine the students resort to copying from their notes and pass the examination with flying colours. In the practical examination, the examiner is himself ignorant so all the students arc asked oral questions. The result is that those who gel the diploma in a trade remain as ignorant and raw as they were at the time of admission.
What has been said above is no conjecture but is fact. In my family there are many such diploma holders and all of them know nothing about their trades. The government should review the scheme and arrange to provide able and experienced teachers in polytechnic institutes and should arrange for thorough practical training.

For practical training the students should be sent to factories, mills and works hops etc. Arrangements for practical training of these students may be made with those factories, mills and workshops and an expert of the trade is deputed to take their practical examination.

It is regrettable that industrialists in Pakistan prefer uneducated and untrained persons to those who are educated. This is because they have to pay less salary to these untrained and uneducated men. I know a man who was a first class Diploma Holder in electricity. He was employed as a labour in a mill on daily wages.

This tendency of not recognizing the need of trained technical hands, only with a view to saving money and becoming richer and richer is also a cause of discouragement to the boys to take technical education.

In nearly all the countries, technical education is given due importance. They have an elaborate scheme to get their students trained thoroughly. They also send their brilliant students abroad for specialized training.