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Essay On The Street Beggar Hawker

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Essay On The Street Beggar.Beggars are very common in Pakistan. They are found in almost every' village, town and city. The main centres of their activity are the places of pilgrimage and worship. They squat on the banks of the rivers, in front of mosques and other places of hectic activity. They roam from street to street, from one locality to another and beg for alms. food and money.

They accept whatever is given to them. Sometime they pursue the people so doggedly that people are fed up with them. Some give alms to beggars in order to ward off the nuisance and not out of charity. Some beggars are so hale and hearty, so young and healthy that they do not deserve charity at all. The deserving cases are few : those who are crippled or lame, deaf or dumb, blind or handicapped, they are incapacitated and cannot earn their living. Some are in such a pathetic plight that they evoke pity' and compassion.

Such crippled beggars are well-versed in the art of singing religious songs. Some have really very melodious voice. Their sweet voice attracts the passers-by. Such beggars are found in trains and buses and they enthrall the travellers by their religious and devotional songs and poems.

Sometimes one comes across a deaf or dumb beggar, lifting a blind or lame beggar on his back and begging for alms. It is also usual to see a leper r-laced in a lowcart and carried from place to place. These beggars know human psychology and work according to that.But most of the beggars live on the generosity of women. These beggars never miss religious gatherings and other festivals.

Some wear only a loin cloth. Others besmear themselves with ashes, have long hair and pair of tongs. Some meditate under a tree. But many are cheats and hypocrites. These beggars deceive the innocent women and at times rob them.

The number of beggars in Pakistan is rising. These beggars live on the earnings of others. It is really a curse that even able- bodied Citizens of Pakistan resort to begging. They indulge in various vices like drinking ,smoking and gambling. Their bodies are diseased.


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