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Essay on An Evening Walk

An Evening is a lovely part of a day. The sun goes down to the western horizon. Its heat abates and its dazzling brightness dims. Offices close for the day and people return home expecting worries free, and labour free hours of domestic repose, caress of loving children and their chatting.

My school is a double shifted one. I am the student of morning shift. At 5 o’clock in the evening I usually go for an evening walk. One day as I left my home, one of my cousins also met me in the way and willingly accompanied me. We walked up to the railway crossing and then took the track going along the railway lines. We passed by Liaquatabad railway station and after walking a few furlongs farther we turned to the left and walked along an other track.

Soon we saw a few men running around a field. Some persons were walking and talking. An old man with a Young boy of eight or nine years had also come for evening stroll. We soon left them behind. Then we came upon some people busy in flying kites. Other people and boys were standing around them looking at the kites.

The sun was now setting. It had lost its brightness and looked like a great ball of gold. The sky was crimson and the twilight looked lovely. Then the sun began to assume pink color, and finally it set.
Suddenly we heard a shriek. A very young boy was trembling and looking at a moving object. We looked at it and found it to be a snake creeping lazily away. One of the boys threw a stone at it which hit it on the back and injured it. It could move no farther but it raised its head and hissed. The boys began to hit it with stones. One hit it on the head and it came down. They continued to pelt it with stones till it died.

We then, walked on and took the path leading to (Haidry place). We reached Saifee polytechnic and from there took the street leading us to Paposh Nagar. In my evening walks I have never met an incident like this so I remember it to this day.

Essay on a Street Accident

Accidents in Karachi are frequent and most them are fatal. In this city life is very cheap. Nobody cares for the safety of others. The bus drivers, the taxi drivers and those who travel on motor cycles a ride scooters drive recklessly un-careful of the results. The long and time consuming court procedure and the bribery save these drivers and they continue to crush people to death.

One day I was waiting for a bus at Numaish. Suddenly, I saw two buses coming from Saddar. Both were of route 4A and were competing with each other, running speedily side by side. All of a sudden there was a big bang and the two buses over turned crushing a few motor cycles and a car with the occupants.

People stood stunned for a while and looked at the buses and then they rushed to take out the injured and the deeds. One of the buses was lying on the side it had the exits. It was too difficult to take People out of it. However a few lean and thin persons smashed the window glass and entered the bus through the It was difficult to bring the leads and the injured out. The injured persons were groaning or were un-conscious. The glass in front of the driver was smashed and the deeds and injured were taken on through the opening.

The road was closed. Dead bodies drenched in blood and the groaning injured men were laid on the road. Nobody could move art injured person without the permission of the Police. They arrived alter an hour. Mean while some persons who could have been saved with immediate medical attention had died of bleeding, shock or injury. A few persons who were still alive were rushed to Civil Hospital and Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.

The road, the buses and the crushed motor cycles and the cars were gory and red stained. Those on the motor cycles and in the car were all crushed to death. It was with difficulty that they were taken out hours after the accident. What a gloomy scene.

Essay on an Evening at Clifton Beach

English Essay on "An Evening at Clifton"

During my stay at Karachi, I had an occasion to go to Clifton, one evening. Clifton is one of the places of Karachi where thousand of pleasure loving people go daily and enjoy. He who does not have a car of his own, catches a Clifton bound bus at Saddar.

Clifton presents the scene of a great Lahore Meta every evening. A multitude, comprising of males and females of all ages gather at the beach. They talk, gossip or laugh. Children run, chase each other and enjoy. Hawkers and Theta walas sell Beetles, cigarettes, chats, mineral water, tea, other eatable things, balloons and other articles.

A wall has been constructed along the beach to keep sea water away from the beach. People sit on the wall and watch the waves coming and breaking at the wall. Camels and horses are brought by local residents. Children and even grown up boys and girls sit on them and enjoy short trips along the beach on them. Groups of people stroll along the beach talking, smiling or laughing.

I sat on the beach wall looking at the merry making people. It seemed that all cares, worries and worldly anxieties have left everyone it was thrilling to see children merry making. With the setting sun the shadows lengthened. The setting sun presented a lovely scene an the twilight made the western horizon colorful. The color, reflected in the water, looked so beautiful that I remained enchanted. With the coming of dusk, the people began to return one by one and soon the beach became deserted. I, too, climbed u the sloping beach and went to the play land.

The play land was flooding with light. Children sitting in small electricity driven cars were driving them. These cars collided with each other frequently. Some people were visiting the aquarium. I also went round the aquarium to look at the beautiful fish, I had never set eyes on before.

From the aquarium I went to the main hail the of play land. In this hail a lot of people were standing. Small boys and girls were busy in different video games. I also inserted a fifty paisa’s coin in the slit of a video game apparatus and peeped through the eyes glass. I saw deer, zebras and lions running fast. I was required to shoot them by pressing a button but I failed to shoot any. At last we were returned at my home.

Essay on A Picnic at a Sea Side

English Essay on "A Picnic at a Sea Side"

Last summer, when I was at Karachi, my uncle decided to go to Paradise Point for an outing (for picnic). We hired a bus for the entire day and reached there at 8 in the morning. We hired a hut there, took our breakfast consisting of toasts, Jam and tea and bought fresh water from some local resident at rupees ten a tin.

Then ‘I, with my cousins, went for a stroll along the shore. We collected shells of different types and colors. Some conches were also collected. We talked of waves, storm, ships whales and sharks. Waves after waves came and wetted our feet which were without shoes. We moved a few steps up the beach but the waves chased us. By and by it was full tide.

After the stroll we decided to bathe but uncle did not allows us. He told us that the sea was high and stormy and it was not advisable to bathe. Reluctantly, we sat on the sand by the hut and played ludo for some time. Tired of ludo, we again went for a stroll. We met some other boys who had also come form Karachi for picnic. We talked about our schools, house and other things and then we decided to play Kabbadi.

We played Kabbdi for an hour and then Went to our hut we were hungry. The lunch was delicious. After lunch we rested for an hour listening to music.
My cousins had brought a football. We began to play on the beach. Soon other boys from neighboring huts joined us. We played a hearty game till we were tired. The sea had receded back by then. With the permission of uncle we entered the sea to bathe. He had given us a rope and had ordered us all to hold it during our stay in the water we were not allowed to go far or to swim. We enjoyed the waves that came one after another to drench us.

It was now evening. Local residents had come with ponies and camels. We sat on the camel in twos. The owner of the camel did not Lake us far. Then we had pony ride. All the money I and my cousins had in our pockets was all spent on these rides. We again went for a stroll along the shore and collected shells. By that time, the sun had set and it was dark. We decided to return and sat in the bus for the return journey.

Essay on A walk on the Beach

A Walk on the Beach

There are very few who don’t recognize the sights, sounds, and smells of one of the most visited places in history. Almost everyone has been there once in their lives, and even as small children, the experience never escapes. I have been fortunate to visit the beach numerous times, but one has stayed in my mind more than others. One most people have not had the chance to participate in.
Close your eyes and imagine a day at the beach. What do you see? Most would answer a sunny, hot, stuffed, but beautiful day. My experience is of a different kind. I woke up one morning during Spring Break in Gulf Shores, Alabama expecting the usual day. However, when I looked out my window, the sun was not shining and it was raining. Everyone was inside was watching television and my friend went shopping with her mom, so I seized the moment and suited up. I didn’t bring a lot of "cold gear" with me, but I did manage to find some wind pants and a sweatshirt.
Right away I was put in a place I hadn’t been before. I walked down the stairs that met the beach, and placed my feet in the sand. It was very cold. The sand was missing that mid-morning burn. This feeling that can be compared with walking on fire. In past years, I had to run for the water to save my feet from being scorched, but now I was wondering whether or not I should keep my shoes on. The beach was full of debris from the previous night’s storm, and I was walking on crushed shells and seaweed. It felt like walking on jelly as it squished in and out of my toes.
It was strange being on the beach and not having anyone out there with me. I remember walking down a strip of beach that was never so desolate. Looking left, I saw dozens of sand creations the rain had not been able to ruin yet. There were alligators, castles, mermaids, and many others.
When I looked right, I saw a different ocean than what had been there the previous three days. 

Essay On Village Life Essay On Village Uplift

Essay On Village Uplift Essay On Village Life 

Nobody can deny that with the growth of cities the villages have been considerably neglected. Ever since the light of Western civilisation came into our country we have been developing a craze for city life. Now-a-days the people are attracted to the cities for the comforts and luxuries of life which they cannot enjoy in their village homes. Under these circumstances we must try to improve our villages.

In the Punjab. Mr. F.L. Brayane was the first • official to think of village uplift. While acting as the Deputy Commissioner -of Gujrat, he studied villages at first hand, was grieved and shocked by the deplorable conditions obtaining in them.: and set about earnestly to reconstruct them.

First of all, he emphasises the value of education. According to him, ignorance, more than anything else, is responsible for the backwardness of the Pakistani peasant. Steeped in age-old ignorance, the peasant does not know his own interest. If he ignores the laws of health and sanitation, runs into enormous debts, or follows ancient methods of agriculture, it is because he lacks enlightenment. The remedy suggested is that primary education should be made compulsory for both boys and girls.

The second, the villager is content with passing his days in unhealthy surroundings. He does not care much if streets of village are dirty or if houses have no arrangement for fresh air. He allows dirty water to collect in pits and ponds situated about the village, with the result that they attract mosquitoes in and who spread malaria and trouble. Thus the villager is to be exhorted to keep his houses and streets clean by throwing the dung hills and rubbish into pits.

The third thing that a peasant is required to do is to improve his agriculture. Agriculture is the main profession of the industry in the village; and, of late, it has fallen into a rut. The peasants can .make it a paying profession by using scientific implements by importing bulls of excellent breed, by using better seeds, manures. and ploughs.

Lastly, the peasants are advised to shake off a number of social evils from which they suffer. It is seen that they spend money lavishly on marriages and births and are prone to be extravagant when they come by money. They are over fond of litigation. They commit murders over trifles; and resort to the court so often that they pay the best part of their income to the lawyers. The peasant, thus, is advised to get rid of all these evils.

There is no doubt that if the peasant acts upon these suggestions he is bound to prosper. He would be able to lead an infinitely better life, if he makes whole-hearted attempts to improve his home and his farm.