Man craves for peace during war but he is haunted by the fear of war during peace time. As a result of it during peace time he starts preparing for war, piles up weapons, enters into treaties with the super powers and increases defence expenditure. All this leads to cold war. After the Second World War, the two super powers-Russia and America started fearing each other and this fear was increased by their ideoloircal differences and differences in their political set up. So since the end of the Second World War fear of the Third World War has been haunting mankind.
There have been many serious political problems which might have easily lead to Third World War. The earliest of them have been the Cuban crises and Korean war. The Vietnam war. Iran dispute, Arab Israel confrontation, Kashmir problem and even Russian occupation of Afghanistan would have flared up into world war. All of these were serious threats to world peace. But the fear of the disaster which may result due to world war kept the nations under check.
It appears there is a little chance of World War III because with the coming of Gorbachev in power efforts have been made to defuse the world situation; the Iraq Iran war has been brought to an end; the P.L.O. has declared Palestanian state without claiming Israeli land. Similarly the confrontation between Russia and China is coming to an end. Russia has withdrawn her forces from Afghanistan. In Pakistan also democratic government has been formed.
So there is a great possibility that they may try to resolve out-standing problems through negotiations with India. In this manner the atmosphere is not so much charged with tension as it was in the earlier years. Still we cannot say at this moment that peace is going to last for a long time. Most of the world problems have not been buried deep rather they threaten to become the cause of the third world war.
The consequences of the Third World War are extremely horrible to imagine. Some of the scientists have pointed out that the use of bombs like Megaton bomb and Cobalt bomb would consume whole of the oxygen of the atmosphere and living creatures would not be able to breathe and live. Some others say that the heat produced by the explosion of the bomb would melt snow on the mountains and consequently the world would be flooded.
Some others think that after war even if there is some life it would be meaningless and extremely primitive though some think that the nuclear winter will freeze every thing on earth. If the Third World War is fought with the weapons which the super powers possess at this time there would be total destruction. What will be the fate of the earth and the universe if the Star War programme continues.
Super powers go on increasing their striking power. Once Einstein was asked how third world war would be fought he gave a pertinent reply that he did not know about the third world war but if Fourth World War was fought it would be fought with the help of stones. He meant to say that human beings would reel back to the primitive ages. In fact during the Third World War there will be no victor and no vanquished.
It is only the horrible consequences of the Third World War that make the super powers to think of avoiding war. President Nixon during his term as President of America wanted to make use of the Nuclear Bomb in Vietnam and also during Indo-Pak war but he desisted from this act of foolishness perhaps only because of the fear of the destruction of the world.
Russel in one of his essays pointed out that if there was going to be a world war it should be as early as it was possible otherwise it would be so destructive that there would be no historian to record. The possibility of the Third World War at this time seem to be remote.
The consequences are so horrible that one could never think of war. Former president of Pakistan Ishaq Khan once said -we are standing on a precipice and a single wrong step will bring total destruction".
There have been many serious political problems which might have easily lead to Third World War. The earliest of them have been the Cuban crises and Korean war. The Vietnam war. Iran dispute, Arab Israel confrontation, Kashmir problem and even Russian occupation of Afghanistan would have flared up into world war. All of these were serious threats to world peace. But the fear of the disaster which may result due to world war kept the nations under check.
It appears there is a little chance of World War III because with the coming of Gorbachev in power efforts have been made to defuse the world situation; the Iraq Iran war has been brought to an end; the P.L.O. has declared Palestanian state without claiming Israeli land. Similarly the confrontation between Russia and China is coming to an end. Russia has withdrawn her forces from Afghanistan. In Pakistan also democratic government has been formed.
So there is a great possibility that they may try to resolve out-standing problems through negotiations with India. In this manner the atmosphere is not so much charged with tension as it was in the earlier years. Still we cannot say at this moment that peace is going to last for a long time. Most of the world problems have not been buried deep rather they threaten to become the cause of the third world war.
The consequences of the Third World War are extremely horrible to imagine. Some of the scientists have pointed out that the use of bombs like Megaton bomb and Cobalt bomb would consume whole of the oxygen of the atmosphere and living creatures would not be able to breathe and live. Some others say that the heat produced by the explosion of the bomb would melt snow on the mountains and consequently the world would be flooded.
Some others think that after war even if there is some life it would be meaningless and extremely primitive though some think that the nuclear winter will freeze every thing on earth. If the Third World War is fought with the weapons which the super powers possess at this time there would be total destruction. What will be the fate of the earth and the universe if the Star War programme continues.
Super powers go on increasing their striking power. Once Einstein was asked how third world war would be fought he gave a pertinent reply that he did not know about the third world war but if Fourth World War was fought it would be fought with the help of stones. He meant to say that human beings would reel back to the primitive ages. In fact during the Third World War there will be no victor and no vanquished.
It is only the horrible consequences of the Third World War that make the super powers to think of avoiding war. President Nixon during his term as President of America wanted to make use of the Nuclear Bomb in Vietnam and also during Indo-Pak war but he desisted from this act of foolishness perhaps only because of the fear of the destruction of the world.
Russel in one of his essays pointed out that if there was going to be a world war it should be as early as it was possible otherwise it would be so destructive that there would be no historian to record. The possibility of the Third World War at this time seem to be remote.
The consequences are so horrible that one could never think of war. Former president of Pakistan Ishaq Khan once said -we are standing on a precipice and a single wrong step will bring total destruction".