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Essay On Inflation In Pakistan

Essay On Inflation In Pakistan.Inflation has been gradually building up for the last one or two cedes. It is not restricted to a few countries; it is a world wide phenomenon. Its reasons and caues are so numerous that it is scarcely possible to write all of them down here in a short essay. At most, only a sketchy account of inflation can be given and that too in relation to Pakistan alone.

In addition to general reasons applicable to all other countries of the world, there are certain particular reasons also which added to the inflationary trend in Pakistan. The 1971 War, which paralysed the economy of Pakistan and brought misery to hundreds of thousands of people, is one of the major reasons. After this War, Pakistan currency had to be devalued sharply as an initial step towards rebuilding the economy. 

The 1973 floods in the Punjab and Sind destroyed crops and property worth crores of rupees and took uncountable human lives. But this was not all. The sharp hike in oil prices proved to be as disastrous for our economy as the 1971 War. The result was that the prices of goods short up to a new height, while the balance of payment reserves dwindled to their lowest ebb.

What is the remedy? It is possible to arrest this run-away inflation? Well, different econontsts offer different remedies: few have proved fruitful. The most common remedy suggested is that the production of goods must be stepped up so that they could be exported to earn the much needed foreign exchange. But with the goods being sent abroad, how to check the prices at home?

Others suggest that the government should decrease its investment on public works programme. During the period of inflation the government should raise the rates of both direct and indirect taxes so that the individual consumer may have less money to spend. Still others recommend that the wages should not be allowed to increase as this will intensify the effects of inflation. The govertunent may adopt the policy of allowing the individuals to have a share of the essential articles at a relatively low price as the prices of essential commodities are fixed and their distribution is also arranged at those fixed prices.

Last but not least, the government must introduce check and balance system. No one should be allowed to overcharge. The prices of the commodities of daily use must be fixed people should also show the veal income to the government so that government could plan in a better way.

Essay On The United Nations Organizations UNO

Essay On The United Nations Organizations.The hope of the world lies in the United nations Organization. It alone can save the world from the horrors of a Thermo-nuclear war. If the U.NO. goes the way of the League of Nations, the world will go down the gap of a volcano. It will burn and burst like a big bomb.

The U.N.0 was born after the Second World War on 24th October 1945 after the signing of the Atlantic Charter. Every year 24th October is celebrated as the U.N. Day throughout the world.

The U.N.0 was a committee of nations. The original need was for a world body to strive and keep peace in the world after the end of the Second World War. The brains behind the big move were the Big Three --- Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. a conference was called at San Francisco which was attended by all the Allied Powers. It prepared a charter of international peace --- the Atlantic Charter. Ironically enough. the Atlantic Charter was hammered home on the Pacific coast of San Francisco!

The first committee of the U.N.O. was the Security Council. It had five permanent members -- the U.S.A., Russia, United Kingdom. France and Nationalist China --- who were equally vested with the right of veto over any question, so that unless and until all these five Powers agreed upon a question, it could not be carried through in the Security Council. That precedent continues right up to now. Only' that China is not the Communist China represented there, but the China of Chiang Kai-shek in Formosa.

The seating of Communist China and the unseating of Formosa has been one of the most burning topics in the U.N.O. The other units of the U.N.O. are the General assembly. the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice and Trusteeship Council. Each member-nation is represented on the General Assembly but the Security Council has only 11 members of which the five are permanent and the rest are elected by the General Assembly by rotation.

Another wings is the International Court of Justice appointed by the General Assembly at The Hague. One of the most popular wings of the U.N.0, is U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Education. Scientific and Cultural organization) which is headquartered at Paris. The U.N.O. itself has its headquarters at New York.
The U.N.0 shares great responsibilities without having equally great powers.

It has done a solid job in Korea, Indo China. Suez and the Congo in preventing major international conflicts and maintaining peace and order in the afflicted countries. Pakistani troops have played a great part in all these theatres of conflict and clash. In other fields, the U.N.0 means freedom from ignorance and disease also. It takes care of the handicapped children throughout the world. Now it has more than one hundred nations as its members. Its secretariat is in New York.

The head of the U.N.O. is U Than. Burmese national. Each member-nation contributes its share of the expenses of the U.N.O. -- the big powers, however, pay more than the small nations. It has been proposed that the U.N.O. should have an army of its own and it should also be entrusted with legislative powers for the whole world. But this dream is still to be realized. The U.N.O. has become a hot-bed of politics. Only the sanity in the world leaders can save this organisations as well as the humanity.

Essay On Universal Brotherhood

Essay On Universal Brotherhood.The world is not as big as it used to be. Today, rapid communication facilities have brought us all very close together. Environmental concern has also brought us to think of ourselvesbeing the direct causes of each other's happiness. Forest tires in Indonesia cause haze in Singapore; industries in one European country cause acid rain in another. No more can we afford to live within our own countries' boundaries and say that we do not need others. In fact, in the area of economics, we have already realized the value of looking after each other.

We are not far from the idealistic state of living as members of a family. The idea of universal brotherhood is not a strange one. Many great men have written about it from time. There is so much more to be gained if man can live in the ideal of universal brotherhood. Imagine a world of plenty. Right now there is a situation in the world of plenty in one area and extreme poverty in other areas.

With the consciousness of universal brotherhood there will not be poverty anywhere. We know that at least as far as food is concerned, there is abundance. With food being distributed like within a family, the farmers in the rain forest countries will not cut down the forests for farming. They just don't have to and can do other work.

With universal brotherhood. there is no such thing as countries or border. We can go to each other's countries at will with no such fuss as passports and immigration. If we can travel so freely within our own countries, and if we are all as brothers, we could just work or live anywhere in the world that pleases us. With the concept of universal brotherhood too will come that deep love for each other. If there is just more love in the world than at present. the world will be a beautiful place to life in indeed.

If ever human being in the world will consider every other human being as a brother, then even the idea of war will cease to exist. Is this possible? We have many examples in the world of small communities living in love and brotherhood. If this is possible for even a few human beings, the idea of universal brotherhood is just an expansion of the idea.

Last but not least, tolerence is also very important for universal brotherhood. If we develop this virtue in ourselves, it is very easy to make this world heaven. Modern scientific inventions like computer. TV., disk and internet has converted this world to a big village. That is why it is hour of need that we should develop universal brotherhood.

Essay On My Favourite Teacher

Essay On My Favorite Teacher.In Govt. Islamia College, I have found an ideal teacher. Mr. Babar is a youngman of 35, with sound health and sound mind. He is really a man of intellect and intelligence. He is the store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes I wonder how he has acquired so much knowledge and learning.

While in the class he is a strict disciplinarian. He teaches sincerely and enthusiastically. He explains till every student is satisfied. His method of teaching is very good. His sound arguments, .easy explanations and well-knit thoughts make the students listen to him most attentively. He keeps the class lively and in good humour.
He does not allow anY kind of boredom or idleness to descend upon the class. His witty femarks are really pleasing and delightful.

Over and above, he is a good sportsman and an acknowledged athlete. That is why he is very much interested in games and e always instructs students to play while play sports. and study while
He himself is a good debater and keeps the study."

audience spell bouod byhis powerful oratory. He has mastery over various subjects. Bt his study of English literature is so deep and vast that he is held in high esteem by the students and, the staff alike. He is an nd ustrious teacher and takes pains while teaching.He is the master of style and as Ruskin has said "Style is the man-, his lucid language. 5ound knowledge and a good background of the subject make him one of the most admirable teachers of the institution.

He is kind and sympathetic towards the poor and intelligent students. Students love him and like him because of his sterling character alid other qualities of head and heart. His wit and wisdom is a subject of discussion. On the whole, in Govt. Islamia College, I have not only my ideal teacher. but a treat philosopher, friend and guide as well.

Essay On Pakistani Village Life

Essay On Pakistani Village Life.Pakistan is an agricultural country. Our prosperity depends upon our agricultural production. For this, the Pakistan farmer's contribution is great. Pakistan. as a matter of fact, is a land of farmers. They live in villages. About 75 per cent of our population lives in villages.

A Pakistani farmer is respected by everyone. It is he who produces grains for the rest of the country. The whole year. the Pakistani farmer is busy in tilling the fields. sowing seeds and reaping the crops. His, indeed, is a very busy life.

He gets up early in the morning. Then he takes his yoke, bulls and plough-share and goes to his fields. There he ploughs the land for hours together. Then he takes his breakfast. The breakfast is brought by the members of his family in the fields. His breakfast is very simple. It mainly consists of bread; pickle and lassi (a preparation from curd). After taking his breakfast, he again gets busy with his work.

He labours very hard. But after his hard labour he gets a very reasonable amount. He sells his production of food-grains in the market at a low and normal price. He lives a very simple life. His clothes are simple. He lives in a mud-house. His property consists of a few bulls, a plough-share and - a few acres of land. He lives from hand to mouth.

A farmer is the very soul of a nation. Our Government always tries to help the farmers. Sometimes, Govt. provides them free-interest loans, tractors and other machinery. Everybody knows the fact that it the farmer who feeds the nation. On him depends the agricultural production. They must be provided with all the latest implements of farming. Better seeds, fertilizers, manure, implements for agriculture can enable him to produce more, and grow more.

Essay On My Most Interesting Dream

Essay On My Future Dreams Plans.

Dreams a-e the by-products of our sub-conscious state of mind. Dreams are of many kinds. But the dream which I had last Sunday was the most interesting dream of mine. In dream, I was transported into a fairy land where beautiful belles were dancing and singing.I dreamt that I had gone to Paris. There I went into a night club. I saw many exciting scenes there - Twist, Ballroom and Shake were going on. As I was watching the spectacle of dance and drama, a beautiful girl gazed upon me.

I was attracted by her rosy cheeks and alluring eyes and smiles on her face. I at once recollected the famous poem of Keats known as "La Belle Dame Sans Merci". Her silent expression of love enthralled me. I was really captivated by her charms and sweetness. She was really making her silent expressions of love to me. I thought of responding to her love.

I talked to her and she passed very lovely and witty remarks upon me. Then both of us took a cup of coffee. We talked to our hearts, content. At the same time. I was recollecting the eternal lines of Shakespeare.

Love is not love that alters
When it finds alterations.
Or bends with the remover to remove.

Now I was thinking, whether her love was true or false. But I tried to he true to her. I sincerely expressed my love to her in the most unambiguous terms. We ultimately promised to marry and live as companions.
Soon the dance, drama and music programme came to an end. With this she also went somewhere, saying that she will be coming soon.

I kept waiting for her. But she did not turn up. I was repenting over my love. I was thinking that I had been be tread in love. As I was pondering over this heart-stricken subject. my eyes opened. I realised that I was enjoying the night life of Paris in dream.

In the dream. I really came across a woman who has been described by John Keats in his profound poem "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" i.e. The Beautiful Woman without Mercy-. The dream was interesting, exciting and intoxicating.