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Essay On Books Which Have Influenced Me

Essay On Books Which Have Influenced Me.There are, indeed, books and books and there are books. Which as Lamb said? are not books at all. I have come across both the types trashy as well as the useful. Both have left their impression behind, but I shall mention only those which influenced my mind for the better. Looking back on the long vista of years I think Jane Eyre was the first book that I read twice and would be glad to read it a third time if somebody presented it to me.

I was, I think, fifteen when I first came upon it and what appealed to me most in it was the adorable fidelity and affection with which Charlotte Bronte had written of children. The tragic childhood of Jane Eyre wrought upon me a certain charm of attraction as well as 'compassion. It is generally said that the true tears are those which are called forth by the beauty- of poetry.

But the true tears are also those, of a yet rarer kind, which are called forth by the beauty of goodness and of such goodness. I had an over following abundance in Jane Eyre. Her hero. Rochester is a wonderful and incomparable figure. How she came first, to conceive and finally to fashion that 'perfect study of noble. faithful and suffering manhood was and still is a puzzle to me.

The next person in order of time was Shakespeare. He did not impress me at all at that time. I am not ashamed to make this confession. for I have now made amends and Shakespeare has been placed on the pedestal he deserves. Macbeth was the first drama that fell into my hands. I was horrified at the diabolical crimes and tried to seek refuge in All 's well That Ends well, lured by the title.

I very soon concluded that the title was supremely cynical one. I detested Betram and was absolutely disgusted Helena falling in love with Parolles -- that bragging coward. Shakespeare was done for. I did not read anything more by him for a couple of years. .

Having already read two or three abridged novels of Dickens I began to feel that I was qualified enough to approach the man in person. And I think, I did well in choosing "David Copper field- as the medium of my communion with that great mind. How closely Davy's childhood resembled mine. how I felt my heart go towards him and how I wept with him and for him. I can never forget.

He had lost his father and was badly treated by his stepfather. I had lost my mother and was similarly treated by step-mother. His mother was weak but always loving. My father was weak and always loving. It seemed that Dickens had really meant to point me. Side by side with Dickens I came under the influence of
I lyron.

I had recently been discouraged in .my love for Rufia and his I larlow and Manfred with their burden of melancholy on them save me comfort. I kept repeating to myself. My days are in the yellow leaf, The fruits and flowers of love are gone. The worm, the canker and the grief Are mine alone.But that was only a temporary' phase. As soon as I came over iii ill-advised infatuation for Rufia, I hated Byron, for I loved life.

Wordsworth. I thought might give me solace. But his transcendentalism and philosophies scared me away and I found comfort and an echo of my heart in Shelly's unbridled desires. How limp, I ind continue under his charm. I do not know. His idealism, Hope  mankind, his pursue of intellectual beauty, sympathy for

un'\Noes of the suffering humanity have an interesting appeal for

Essay On Farewell Party On Our College,School

Essay On Farewell Party On Our College.The day when I was free from my school for appearing in the I Secondary examination will be remembered throughout my life, As ours was the outgoing class, so it was bidden farewell by day; X. Hie Principal fixed the responsibility for making arrangements. The farewell party was given on Sunday. When I arrived at the school at 3 P.M. I saw that all arrangements were made by the host party.

The school hall was beautifully decorated with charts, buntings, flowers and placards. The main table, on which the Principal and the Inspector of Schools were to sit, was beautifully decorated with flowerpots. There were many chairs for the outgoing students, staff and student of class X.

The party began at 4 P.M. For about one hour we ate to our heart's content, gossiped and laughed too much. The party came to an end at 5. P.M. The farewell function started after the party was over. Mr.Amir Mahmood, a student of Class X-Tiade a moving and heart-rending farewell speech in which he mentioned our long and deep association with the school as well as their class. His speech which was full of' praise and appreciation for our outgoing class was delivered in a befitting manner.

His farewell speech which was punctuated with humorous remarks and pleasantries wishing us success in our future, was totally the most touching one. accepted their good wishes and feelings for all of us. When I was and got blessings from my teachers and worthy Principal. In my speech, I lauded the good arrangements made by the host and After this speech, I, on behalf of my class, thanked the host delivering the speech. I was deriving a mixed pleasure.

I was feeling sad because of the separation from my old and august institution in whose lap I got education and training of my mind and body. To me my school was an embodiment of knowledge and learning whose sacred atmosphere is a part of my memory. For me, this was not merely a school which imparted knowledge, but it was a cradle of culture and civilization.

In the end, the reverend Principal, whose association with the school is as old as the history of this school, made and impassioned speech. In his farewell message, he gave us some pieces of advice, to be followed in our future course of life. He made a fervent appeal to build our mind and character on sound lines. He stressed upon us to inculcate a spirit of service and sacrifice as well as of patriotism and nationalism. After his encouraging speech, the function came to an end.

We parted after taking the blessings of our teachers and good wishes of our friends. While going, we cast our longing and lingering looks at this great and noble institution in whose lap we spent the most formative period of our life and living.

Essay On Prize Distribution Function In My College.Prize Distribution Function is important in the life of a college. It comes only once in a year. This generates new enthusiasm in the college. A strong link is established with the public. This function is really very attractive. Like other years, this year also the function attracted hall- packed audience consisting of parents and invitees. The prize giving function of the college was held on the 15th January. The Director o: Education was invited to grace the occasion as the chief guest.

The preparations for the function started a month earlier. The college building was white washed. The college hall, where the function was to be held, was beautifully decorated with pictures and charts. On the appointed day. a beautiful table and certain chairs were placed on the stage. The carpets were spread to seat the students and in the rest of the hall, chairs were arranged. The front rows were reserved for the teachers and invitees.

The function was to start at 10 A.M. By 9.30 A.M. the was jam-packed with the audience. The visitors were very m,...ii impressed by the arrangements which the students had made. In one corner, there was a table, where the prizes and trophies were arranged. row all of us were eagerly looking for the arrival of the chief guest.

It was in the nick of time that the Director of Education came in his car. He was accorded a warm welcome by the Principal and the senior members of the staff. The band was played in his honor as he entered the hall; all the students and other audience stood up as a mark of respect. The Director of Education was profusely garlanded by the Principal and by certain other senior members of the staff. As soon as the chief guest occupied his scat, there was pin-drop silence in the Hall.

The principal broke the ice by giving a brief isntroducti6n of the life-sketch of the Chief Guest. Later he read the Annual Report of the college, giving an account of the .past achievements of the college. At the same time he requested the Chief Guest tp enhance to annual grant which was quite insufficient in view of tbe students'
interest in manifold activities.

The Principal instructed the president. of the Literary Club to begin with the cultural program. Some students sang beautiful songs. "Prince and the Wood Cutter" of "Six • One Act Plays", a prescribed book, was staged. The participants got thunderous applause from the audience for their wonderful talents which they showed in acting. The students who took part in this play. seemed to 7C well-prepared. Some folk-dances added charm to it.

The Chief Guest, who presided. gave away the prizes to the prize-winner and shook hands with them. The President delivered a short speech wherein he praised the perlOrmance of the students and encouraged them to participate still more enthusiaslically. I le also admired the sense of discipline imbibed by the students during the entire funetOwThen,,the Principal got up and thanked the President for his kitunt it to the college.

Thus, the function came to an end with the singing of the National Anthem. The following day was declared to be a holiday h the Principal.

If I Were The Principal Of My College Essay

Essay On If I Were The Principal Of My College.I have my own views about becoming the Principal of my college. I feel that the principal of the college should also be elected from amongst the students. When we live in a democracy why should we deny this right to the students? There should be a students' council elected by the students themselves. Every class should send its own representative. These class-representatives should form a Parliament.

The Principal should be responsible to them. The students are never consulted in the appointment of the teachers. I shall ask a candidate to teach the class and the students will obverse his lesson. Only those teachers, who can satisfy the students, will be selected.

The students will look after the discipline and cleanliness in the college themselves. They will punish the late comers and tell their parents to send them in time. One student from each class will be on duty. He will check the cleanliness of the students. He will also see to it that no one roams about the con-idors. Another will be on duty in the reception hall. He will attend to the visitors and the telephone calls.

There will be very few teaching periods. They will end before the recess. The students will take part in games. sports and co-curricular activities. They will make more use of the library. In fact, the teachers will guide them only in removing their difficulties. They will inspire us to read new books.

There will be no physical punishment. If a student miss- behaves. he will be suspended from the games and other activity periods. The clubs and societies will not be mere show-pieces for the visitors. They will function actively and lay stress on self-learning. Each and every student will have to take part in drama and group songs. I shall lay stress on manual labour. Each student will have to work in the garden or the workshop. The students will earn while they learn.

No teacher will be allowed to take up tuitions. If any student needs help. he will be guided during the college hours.I got this chance last year only for one day. The students managed the college themselves on the children's day. i.e. 14th Nol, ember and I was made the Principal.
I wish to get this opportunity once again and that too

Essay On The Role Of College Libraries

Essay On The Role Of College Libraries.That libraries play a vital part in furthering educational aims is undeniable. As an appreciation and recognition of this fact, libraries are increasingly becoming an integral part of college everywhere. A college library performs a great many functions. Without doubt, as an effective instrument of learning, it could be directed towards definite educational aims. The most important function of the library is that it provides an excellent opportunity to develop reading habits in students.

This is a vital and effective step in the fulfillment of educational aims because without reading there is little learning. By developing the reading habit the child's vision is broadened and his knowledge is widened, thereby enriching his life.

College libraries enable students to develop their initiative and self-reliance. In using the facilities of the library students begin to learn many things from books without depending on guidance from the teacher. This type of training is very valuable and essential in after-college life because education does not end on leaving college. Education is a life-long process. We have to learn many things by living and growing up in society. It is here that the qualities of initiative and self-reliance prove to be a great asset to an individual.

College libraries break down barriers existing among various school objects. By wider reading the students begin to discover the interrelation of different subjects. In this respect the college library acts as an integrating factor. Students begin to understand the general process of learning.

A proper understanding of the interrelation of subjects makes students appreciate the necessity for learning many different subjects. A student who is apt in a particular subject has the opportunity of increasing his knowledge of it by further reading in a well-stocked school library, even if a detailed knowledge of the subject is unnecessary for the purpose of passing a school examination.

The right and relevant reading material channels students towards mature thinking and cultivates their aesthetic and moral values. They enter adult life with certain pronounced interests in art. literature. drama. music philosophy. In addition the college library provides them with the necessary information about requirements for higher education or the careers they wish to choose, thus preparing them for an easy passage from college to adult life.

In view of these valuable benefits derived from the college library, it has been aptly referred to as a -fountain of inspiration and discovery-.

Essay On Examinations Hall Day

Essay On Examinations Hall Day .Examinations in the field of education have become a source of fear for the examinees, a yardstick of teacher's efficiency and also an essential part of the educational system. It has been repeatedly emphasized that the system of examinations available in Pakistan is not foolproof The educationists have not been able to find a suitable alternative to examinations; the internal assessment system has not been free from alpractices. Examinations in the field of education are very important because they determine the capability of the students as far as their intellectual make-up is concerned.

The examinees suffer a lot from psychological torture before the examinations, during the examination and after the examinations. A day before the examinations is quite troublesome.. The examinees think of questions and dream of questiotts still they feel that they have not been able to prepare properly for the examination. Everything seems to disappear from his memory. In front of the examination hall, he is unnerved by the suggestions of students, some say that they have prepared all the questions thoroughly. others think that certain questions are sure to be asked.

These types of remarks and suggestions make them lose their confidence. During the examinations the eyes glance over the question paper hurriedly and if the question paper happens to be difficult drops of perspiration glisten on the forehead of the candidate. He looks here and there and asks for a glass of water. On the other hand if the question paper happens to be easy the candidate fails to decide which question he should do first. After the examination the examinees remain completely dissatisfied with their own work and calculate their marks almost daily.

The more they think about the examinations the more nervous do they become. As the Judgment day comes and the result it out, very few seem to be happy. Some complain of securing very low marks, others remain dissatisfied.It is some-what ridiculous to test the intelligence of the examinees within a period of three hours. There is a possibility that an examinee has read. so much that he may not be able to digest the material and present it congently. In this manner it is generally felt that the examination is not a true test of the intelligence of a candidate.

More over the system of marking is not fool-proof: In other words it is not possible to be so objective in assessment as it is supposed to be in many cases the examiners are different, so standard of marking is also somewhat different. Another defect in the present system of examinations is that the candidates totally depend upon the whim of the paper setter. It is left to the discretion of the paper setter to make a choice of the various questions from the prescribedsyllabus.

All of these factors go against impartiality which is suppbsed to be very important in education. The system of examinations should be overhauled because without changes we may not develop the talents of the students. Now a days greater emphasis is laid upon mugging up facts without co-relating them with the practical life. This simply means that the system of education is divorced from the day-today problems of life. The candidates should be given ample time to answer questions exhaustively and a general level of intelligence should be determined by some objective method.

It has also been proposed that there should be open book system as far as examinations areconcerned. It is based upon the presumption that only those who know the subject will able to answer the questions properly, others cannot. Similarly another suggestion regarding the reforms in the examinations system is to have spaced assessment of the candidate.