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Essay on Advertising Good or Bad

The purpose of advertising is to promote the sale of commodity or to spread or contradict an idea. In ancient times public criers carried out advertising. The printing press was invented in the 15th century. Since then printed advertisement have been common during the first half of this century three more media of public information and amusement came into being. These are cinema, radio, and television Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and handbills carry written information to their readers. Radio employs sound. Cinema and television appeal to the ear' as well as 'to the eye. All these media have proved to be extremely effective means of promoting sales or spreading ideas.
Some people feel that advertising increases the prices of commodities advertised.

Writers are employed to write out slogans and scripts for advertisements. Artists and actors are involved in the preparation of film-reels and filmstrips. The scripts are published in newspapers and magazines and spoken over the commercial radio net-works. The films are shown in cinema-halls and on the commercial television network. All these persons and organizations have to pay for their services. The money paid to them will no doubt be added to the total costs of production before the sale prices are fixed. But it is overlooked that by increasing the demand for a commodity, advertising makes it possible to produce the commodity in a very large quantity. Thus the cost of production per unit is lowered, and so does the sale price.

Another complaint generally heard against advertising is that it leaves the people no choice in purchasing the goods they need. Having heard and read of a commodity again and again they tend to ignore other commodities even if they are better. This charge should be true if all newspapers and other advertising media in any country belonged to one particular party and that party did not allow any goods other than its own to be advertised through them. So long as all manufacturers of goods are free to advertise their commodities, there is no fear of anybody monopolizing the market merely by advertising his goods Further, it should be appreciated that the consumers do understand the tricks employed by advertisers. They cannot be misled so easily as some people think.

Advertising makes our daily newspapers and periodicals cheaper for us. But for the income from advertisements, no newspapers would cost a mere 15 cents to their readers. Similarly the quality of radio broadcasts and television programs owes itself to advertising. To make advertising effective, as many people as possible must be attracted to listen or view these programs, as the case may be. Therefore they have to be of a high quality.

Advertising is useful to all concerned but if there is any fear of its miss-leading the consumers they should form their own association, which through daily or weekly publications, should give objective information on all goods of daily consumption.

Short Essay on Vocational Education

We have inherited our present educational system from our former masters, who needed only clerks and produced them. The result of following the same system after our masters have gone, continues to produce clerks who are now not needed in such a number. Consequently, we are faced with the acute problem of unemployment’s and to provide employment to all these graduates and post graduate is impossible. That is why in every house one or more unemployed graduates can be found. This unemployment is to be get crimes and hence the lawlessness and crimes are on the increase.
It is high time that the recognition to the need of vocational education is given. If started in earnest from school level and continued up to university, the problem of unemployment may be solved to a great extent and those who do riot get job may become self employed.

Our country is in the process of development. Industrialization of the country demands skilled labour, craftsmen, technicians and engineers. To meet the future demand the ministry of education should chalk out a programme to introduce vocational education at the school level.

It is sad that in the presence of polytechnic institutes, vocational education is not considered necessary at school level. But the fact is that these polytechnic institutes arc wasting energy and money. The teachers are mostly those who have passed examination of Diploma Associate They conic in the class and dictate notes from their notebooks which most of the students are unable to follow.

The practical side remains almost nil. In institute where there arc machines for practical work, they are never used and gel rusted. In the examine the students resort to copying from their notes and pass the examination with flying colours. In the practical examination, the examiner is himself ignorant so all the students arc asked oral questions. The result is that those who gel the diploma in a trade remain as ignorant and raw as they were at the time of admission.
What has been said above is no conjecture but is fact. In my family there are many such diploma holders and all of them know nothing about their trades. The government should review the scheme and arrange to provide able and experienced teachers in polytechnic institutes and should arrange for thorough practical training.

For practical training the students should be sent to factories, mills and works hops etc. Arrangements for practical training of these students may be made with those factories, mills and workshops and an expert of the trade is deputed to take their practical examination.

It is regrettable that industrialists in Pakistan prefer uneducated and untrained persons to those who are educated. This is because they have to pay less salary to these untrained and uneducated men. I know a man who was a first class Diploma Holder in electricity. He was employed as a labour in a mill on daily wages.

This tendency of not recognizing the need of trained technical hands, only with a view to saving money and becoming richer and richer is also a cause of discouragement to the boys to take technical education.

In nearly all the countries, technical education is given due importance. They have an elaborate scheme to get their students trained thoroughly. They also send their brilliant students abroad for specialized training.