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Essay On The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad.Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W (P.B.U.H) is the last prophet of the Muslim. He was born at Makkah in 571 A.D. His father. Abdullah had died before he was born. He was brought up by his mother Amena. Then he was brought up by his loving grandfather Abdul Muttalib. a chief of the Quraish. But when he died after eight years,his uncle. Abu Talib, under took to look after him. He looked after with love and took great care of him.

Hazrat Abdul Mutlib become very happy on the birth of his grandson. Someone asked Hazrat Abdul Mutlib will praise my grandson. "His hope came true. A few days after his birth, the child was put under the care of a nurse, Hazrat Haleema Saadia. She took him to her desert home and looked after him for four years. The child brought luck and happiness to the family of his nurse. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) grew into a fine boy. He was very kind and gentle. He was loved by the people. People called him Sadiq (truthful) and Amin (honest).

When Hazrat Muhammad was at the age of 25, Hazrat Khadeeja named Tahira, a rich widow of Makkah, heard about his great virtues. She asked him to run her business. She was greatly impressed by his fine qualities. She married him when he was 25. She proved to be the most faithful and sincere wife.

The angle Gabriel brought the first message of God to Hazrat Muhammad. when he was of 40 years of age. He declared that he was a Prophet of God. He began to preach Islam. In those days, the people of Arabia worshipped idols. They thought that these figures of stone and wood were gods. Many. Arabs killed their daughters as soon as they were born. They were always fighting among themselves. They used to do all evil things.

He adviced the people not to do bad deeds. He told them that idols were not gods. He asked the people to worship the one True God. their Creator. He asked them to give up their bad ways. He asked them not to tell lies, not to drink, not to gamble and not to bury their daughters alive. He asked them to say prayers and help the poors.

Hazrat Muhammad fought many battles against the infidels. Soon Islam overcame the whole Arabia. The Holy Prophet passed away when he was 63. His sacred tomb is in Medina. He showed the right way to the people of the whole world. He made his followers honest, pious, kind and truthful. He is the last Prophet of Allah. Muslim should follow his teachings to succeed in this world and the world hereafter.

The Kindness of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Essay

Status Of Women In Islam Essay

Status Of Women In Islam Essay . Islam recognises the position of woman to be the same as that of man. It claims that both come from the same essence. In a woman, we find three different personalities a mother, a wife and a daughter. The position of the mother is very much exalted in Islamic tradition. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has gone so far as to say, "Paradise lies underneath the feet of your mothers." As regards the position of woman as wife, the saying of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is categorical.

"The best among you is the one who is best towards his family." With regards to woman as a daughter, the Islamic attitude can be realised from the reproaches which the Holy Quran makes against the pagan pre-Islamic behaviour at the birth of daughters.

The mutual relation of husband and wife is described in the Holy Quran as that of a single soul in two bodies. Islam describes the house as a unit in the greater organisation of a nation as a whole. It speaks of husband as being "an administrator and supervisor over the people of the house" and the wife is described as "administrator of the house of her husband and children." The home is thus described as a kingdom, where authority is exercised by both the husband and the wife.

Islam envisages a natural division of work between men and women. While man is best suited to fight and make his way through the thick and thin of life on account of his stronger physique and other. attributes, woman is entrusted with the onerous task of bringing up the younger generations because of the preponderance of the quality of love and compassion in her. This functional division of work does not mean that woman has entirely been excluded from other kinds of activities.

So. Islam has clearly defined and determined the status of woman in society. According to the teachings of Islam men and women enjoy equal rights in our society but their social responsibilities and duties are different. Woman is the queen of her house. Her main and sacred duties are to look after the domestic affairs, to bring up children with care, to educate the children and to act according to the wishes of her husband. However, Islam does not prevent the woman from serving in various social institutions. They may work as teachers, doctors, nurses etc. They may also take part in politics.

Thus we see that Islam has laid greater stress on the domestic duties of a woman. Our salvation lies in following the teachings of Islam. Therefore, we must abstain from copying the western culture blindly and must stick to our own Islamic culture as firmly as possible.

Essay On Islamic Culture In Pakistan

Essay On Islamic Culture In Pakistan .Culture means the cultivation and development of human mind. Islamic Cultures differs from other Cultures. The aim of other cultures is to cultivate the mind of an individual or some group. Islamic Culture is the kind of Culture prescribed by Islam. It aims at nothing less than the success of mankind as a whole. The origin of Islamic Culture lies in the Holy Quran.Islamic Culture is very different form other cultures in many ways. The salient features of Islamic Culture are four.

Firstly. Islamic Culture is universal in its aim and object. It does not aim at the progress of an individual or a group of individual. Its objective is the development of the whole race intellectually, spiritually, socially and economically. It provides the guidance in both the worlds, material and spiritual.

Secondly, it is a practical religion. The teachings of Islam are practicable. 'Islam means to surrender to the will of God. It teaches and preaches to us in practical, material, social and spiritual life. Islamic Culture has no place for those who only believe and do not act.

Thirdly. Islamic Culture is rational. It appeals to men to use their reason . It does not prohibits its believers to shun the learning of worldly education. It does not maintain any distinction, between the religious education and secular education. In glorious days of Islam, the Muslims learned science subjects side by side Quran, Hadith and Fiqha.

Fourthly, Islam gives a complete political and social system as alternative to other systems. It promotes brotherhood and equality. There is no priesthood in Islam. Every Muslim man and woman has been urged to learn knowledge. It promises peace and stability in their whole world.

The Muslims are backward today' because they do not follow the principles of Islam, in true spirit. They regain their lost status in the world by following the tenets of Islam. Now they must awake and act upon the principles of Islam.

Essay On Islamic Democracy

Essay On Islamic Democracy The modern democratic state is a type of state which came into existence in 19th century largely as an effect of the French Revolution and the industrial Revolution of the absolute nation-state of 16th and the 17th century. But the Islamic state came into existence in the 7th century as an effect of the greatest Revolution of the world which was not only political and economic but also social and ethical.

Islam is a great religion and it has revolutionised every aspect of human life. So, Islamic democracy in its connotation in wider than western democracy. It means not only political equality but also social equality. In Islamic society all are equal. There is no class-divisions or distinctions of birth and social position. All members of the society enjoy equal status and position The only criterion of superiority in Islamic society is personal ability and character. Allah says: "0 mankind! I created you out of a single pair of a male and a female. The most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you." So according to Islam no one is superior except which are most pious and righteous.

In Islam the concept of human brotherhood and equality is vital and basic. The lowest of the low must have the same rights as the highest of the high  the President of the Republic. The first effective endeavour of Islam to establish social equilibrium is its emphasis on equality. The Holy Prophet said:- All men are equal in their human rights-.

Everyone has got its equal rights of progress in Islamic society; the restricted scope for personal achievement is the hall-mark of Islamic society. Islam not only emphasizes social equality, but also bans such attitude and activities as are likely to disturb social harmony. Democracy in capitalistic countries grants simply equal political rights. So. through manipulation of the non-restricted freedom, the capitalists make masses their wage-slave. It results in mockery and force. All the wealth and resources under a capitalistic democracy are concentrated in the hands of a few capitalists.

They through their money-power turn the state into the servant of their interests as against the interests of the general masses. This dangerous possibility is not expected to occur in the Islamic state. In capitalistic society, money determines one's place in society. This is against the spirit of Islam. In a true Islamic society no man can lord over others merely on the strength of a swollen purse. Islam cut the very root of the possibility of economic exploitation by prohibiting vested interest, hoarding, profiteering, by imposing zakat and by declaring that all that is in the heaven and the earth belongs to God alone.

Islam ensures social justice and economic security for all by a comprehensive system of check and balances on the sources of income, the means of living and the avenues of expenditure. It thus acts as a preventive check on the capitalistic tendencies and exits. Islam also enunciates its scheme of economic freedom and security' through its scheme of equitable distribution of wealth and resources. It declares the state ownership of all natural resources.

Right to private property is not doubt recognised by Islam, but it is hedged round by salutary checks. Islam imposes heavy social responsibilities on the rich. There is a warning for serious punishment in store for those who abuse their riches to the detriment of society. It has declared that all authority belongs to Allah alone. but every man, being. His representative -- Khalifa, is entitled to exercise that authority. No nobility, no priest has any discriminating privileges. Thus political equality or 'rule of law' of capitalistic democracy is also fully secured in Islam.

Essay On Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Essay On Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.Sir Sayad Ahmad Khan is a well known personality among Pakistanis. His services to his community are very great, and the great Mohamedan Anglo-Oriental College at Alighar, which has now developed into a first class Residential University. is a standing monument to his patriotic efforts. He was a far-seeing statesman, a sincere lover of his community, and a very loyal citizen. His fellow- religionists cherish his memory with love and veneration, and as the fruits of his labour are gathered more and more, his claims on the gratitude of the people will grow stronger and stronger.

He was a great man in the true sense. He thought that English is very necessary for the development for the development of the Muslims. He saw with the foresight of a seer the advantages of English education for the Mohamedans, and in the face of opposition from those whom he sought to benefit, he persevered in his efforts, and succeeded in raising the noble institution at Aligarh.

This great educational institution has done incalculable service to the Mohamedan. community. Ever since its establishment, it has been a centre of Muslim culture and enlightenment in India. and has attracted young men from all parts of the country, thus exercising a great unifying force for the community. The lines on which he conducted it show his practical sagacity and intimate acquaintance with the needs of his community. The College leaves a distinct impression on its alumni.

Sir Sayad belonged to very noble and educated family. He was born in 1817. He joined Government service, and became a Subordinate Judge. During the Mutiny, he rendered great help to the British Government.

He was an intellectual person and he had fine literary tastes. and if he had not founded the Aligarh College. he would have been known as a great prose-writer. Even now, he has a place among the foremost literary men of his time. Ile was a member of the Legislative Council, and was knighted in recognition of his great services. He died in 1898. His perseverance, his honesty. his singleness of purpose, his fervent patriotism, and his .advanced- and liberal views on religion and politics, mark him out as one of the greatest men of Sub-continent.

Essay On Quaid-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Essay On Quaid-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on the 25th December. 1876. His father, Jinnah Poonjah, was a big merchant of Karachi. Mr. Poonjah wanted to give good education to his son and kept him away from business. Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah received his early education in Karachi and Bombay. He passed his Entrance Examination in 1891. In his school days he was very painstaking in his studies. He observed the rules of discipline. He was also very punctual in attendance. All these pointed to his future greatness. For his good qualities, he was very much loved by his teachers and fellow- students.

His father's friend. Mr. Federick Croft. discovered signs of a great man in him. He advised his father to send him to England for higher studies. Accordingly Mr. Jinnah left for England in 1892. There he was admitted into the Lincoln's Inn and obtained the degree of Bar-at-Law. Mr Jinnah stayed in England for four years. He, here studied the ways of the English people. He was very much impressed to find that all of them, rich or poor, loved their motherland. There he came under the influence of a patriotic Pakistani. Dadabhoy Nooroji.
After having successfully finished his education, Mr. Jinnah returned to India in 1896.

At that time his father's business was not running well. So to earn money for the family, he started practice in Karachi. But he could not do well. He left Karachi and went to Bombay to try his luck there. Here, too, his practice was dull for three years. At last, he accepted the service as Third Presidency Magistrate of Bombay. But he was confident that he would do well as a lawyer. So he gave up the service after some time and joined the bar. This time fortune smiled on him. Within a short time he was recognised as a distinguished lawyer. His fame spread far and wide.

In 1905, Mr. Jinnah came in close contact with Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Mr. Gokhale was then the president of the Indian National Congress. Soon he became its most important leader. He was called the "Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity. "But he was disillusioned in 1930. For he then realised that the only object of the Congress was to establish Hindu rule in India. He, therefore. separated himself from the Congress. He devoted himself in organising the Muslims. His leadership kindled a new imagination among the frustrated Muslims. He created political consciousness among the Muslims of India.

It was due to his guidance and leadership the Muslims regained their confidence. Each and every Muslim responded to his clarion call. And they, with one voice demanded a separate, homeland for them.
In 1940. the famous Pakistan Resolution was adopted. The struggle for Pal:istan is a story of a continuous struggle against a host of obstacles and it was his guidance and leadership which provided us a bulwork of strength at these difficult times.

The creation of Pakistan was due to the untiring labour and 1 of Quaid-i-Azam. He won Pakistan by his irrefutable arguments. Ile is called the "Father of the Nation". For -like a father. he acquired a homellid for us.
Though in shattered health, he had to accept ' the first Governor-Generalship of Pakistan. He died in harness on the 1 1 th September. 1948.