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Essay On My Future Plans Future Goals Essay

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Essay On My Future Plans Future Goals Essay.I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream is to be a pilot ,My successful future includes getting a job, a wounderful house, passing my GED. First, I would go get a part time job so I will have income coming in and so that I can have money to save up for a dependable car and college tuition. With a car I will have transportation to go to school and work. With a job I will have money for gas for my vehicle.

With a dependable car, my worries about my vehicle messing up or breaking down on the way to school and home will be a lot less. Secondly, I would keep up the hard work that I’m doing so I can pass my GED, then I will have a vehicle so I can start college.

I will have good transportation to go to the college that I want to go too, which is the best University in the Pakistan. They do hands-on training at the college. Lastly, after I  graduate from Tulsa Welding School, I want to go to workin the shipyards rebuilding big ships and repairing them.

Then I will buy my own house and everything. Hopefully, I will be settled down, not be stressed out, and not have so many worries in my life. I will be on my own and not have anyone to bother me or cause problems with me whatsoever!


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