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Essay On The Role Of College Libraries

Essay On The Role Of College Libraries.That libraries play a vital part in furthering educational aims is undeniable. As an appreciation and recognition of this fact, libraries are increasingly becoming an integral part of college everywhere. A college library performs a great many functions. Without doubt, as an effective instrument of learning, it could be directed towards definite educational aims. The most important function of the library is that it provides an excellent opportunity to develop reading habits in students.

This is a vital and effective step in the fulfillment of educational aims because without reading there is little learning. By developing the reading habit the child's vision is broadened and his knowledge is widened, thereby enriching his life.

College libraries enable students to develop their initiative and self-reliance. In using the facilities of the library students begin to learn many things from books without depending on guidance from the teacher. This type of training is very valuable and essential in after-college life because education does not end on leaving college. Education is a life-long process. We have to learn many things by living and growing up in society. It is here that the qualities of initiative and self-reliance prove to be a great asset to an individual.

College libraries break down barriers existing among various school objects. By wider reading the students begin to discover the interrelation of different subjects. In this respect the college library acts as an integrating factor. Students begin to understand the general process of learning.

A proper understanding of the interrelation of subjects makes students appreciate the necessity for learning many different subjects. A student who is apt in a particular subject has the opportunity of increasing his knowledge of it by further reading in a well-stocked school library, even if a detailed knowledge of the subject is unnecessary for the purpose of passing a school examination.

The right and relevant reading material channels students towards mature thinking and cultivates their aesthetic and moral values. They enter adult life with certain pronounced interests in art. literature. drama. music philosophy. In addition the college library provides them with the necessary information about requirements for higher education or the careers they wish to choose, thus preparing them for an easy passage from college to adult life.

In view of these valuable benefits derived from the college library, it has been aptly referred to as a -fountain of inspiration and discovery-.

Essay On Examinations Hall Day

Essay On Examinations Hall Day .Examinations in the field of education have become a source of fear for the examinees, a yardstick of teacher's efficiency and also an essential part of the educational system. It has been repeatedly emphasized that the system of examinations available in Pakistan is not foolproof The educationists have not been able to find a suitable alternative to examinations; the internal assessment system has not been free from alpractices. Examinations in the field of education are very important because they determine the capability of the students as far as their intellectual make-up is concerned.

The examinees suffer a lot from psychological torture before the examinations, during the examination and after the examinations. A day before the examinations is quite troublesome.. The examinees think of questions and dream of questiotts still they feel that they have not been able to prepare properly for the examination. Everything seems to disappear from his memory. In front of the examination hall, he is unnerved by the suggestions of students, some say that they have prepared all the questions thoroughly. others think that certain questions are sure to be asked.

These types of remarks and suggestions make them lose their confidence. During the examinations the eyes glance over the question paper hurriedly and if the question paper happens to be difficult drops of perspiration glisten on the forehead of the candidate. He looks here and there and asks for a glass of water. On the other hand if the question paper happens to be easy the candidate fails to decide which question he should do first. After the examination the examinees remain completely dissatisfied with their own work and calculate their marks almost daily.

The more they think about the examinations the more nervous do they become. As the Judgment day comes and the result it out, very few seem to be happy. Some complain of securing very low marks, others remain dissatisfied.It is some-what ridiculous to test the intelligence of the examinees within a period of three hours. There is a possibility that an examinee has read. so much that he may not be able to digest the material and present it congently. In this manner it is generally felt that the examination is not a true test of the intelligence of a candidate.

More over the system of marking is not fool-proof: In other words it is not possible to be so objective in assessment as it is supposed to be in many cases the examiners are different, so standard of marking is also somewhat different. Another defect in the present system of examinations is that the candidates totally depend upon the whim of the paper setter. It is left to the discretion of the paper setter to make a choice of the various questions from the prescribedsyllabus.

All of these factors go against impartiality which is suppbsed to be very important in education. The system of examinations should be overhauled because without changes we may not develop the talents of the students. Now a days greater emphasis is laid upon mugging up facts without co-relating them with the practical life. This simply means that the system of education is divorced from the day-today problems of life. The candidates should be given ample time to answer questions exhaustively and a general level of intelligence should be determined by some objective method.

It has also been proposed that there should be open book system as far as examinations areconcerned. It is based upon the presumption that only those who know the subject will able to answer the questions properly, others cannot. Similarly another suggestion regarding the reforms in the examinations system is to have spaced assessment of the candidate. 

Essay On Our Educational System Problems

Essay On Our Educational Problems,System.The present system of education is rotten to the core. It was designed to create clerks for the East India Company and later on to supply a number of officers to run the administration. Since the creation of Pakistan, .there has been a cry from the people that the prevailing system of education should be overhauled. Today we lace many educational problems.

First. our education is not based on Islamic principles. It is too materialistic in its outlook. The result is chaos in society. The students of today are disrespectful to their parents and elders. The present indiscipline in the schools and colleges can only be cured the students are made familiar with the Quran. We should base our education on Islamic Ideology. We should pursue western science, but we should not forget that we are Muslims. Now Islamiat" as a  subject has been made compulsory in schools and colleges Secondly, ours is a developing country.

We need more and more skilled workers. We need doctors, engineers, agriculturists, technicians in all spheres of life. Our problem is to have more industrial and technical colleges. Education in humanities should remain but it should be restricted only to a few. This will solve the problem of unemployment to a great extent. Moreover, we will be able to get rid of the foreign experts.

Thirdly, the need for suitable books is being acutely felt in Pakistan. Most of the books are foreign published. Some are published in Pakistan but they are not upto the mark. The learned men and scholars in the country must devote themselves to the writing of new books according to our needs. History will have to be re-written with special reference to the achievements of our national heroes. Modern Urdu literature should be given place in the syllabi. Reading texts must have scientific knowledge in them. They should preach our national ideology.

Fourthly, the most baffling question is that of the national languages. There are many languages in our country, Urdu, English. Arabicr and Punjabi. This language should be developed to high standards so that it may become suitable medium of expression. But a word of caution is necessary. We should not turn out English at once. Sentiment is no substitute for fact.

Lastly, our system of examination needs a drastic change. Our examinations are not a sure test of one's ability. Good marks and divisions in the examinations depend in change and cramming. A good student may fall ill and secure a poor third division; a poor student may cram a few questions and get a high first class. Our education should discourage cram work. It should take all possible steps to engender originality of thought and an aptitude for research work.

Essay On The Aims Of Higher Education

Essay On The Aims Of Higher Education.The sixties are more than ever the age of further education -- we need to train youths for the technological way of life and an understanding of its impact on the humanities. This' type of education, apart from providing immense opportunities, also poses challenges for the future. The object of education, in general, is to enable individuals to be fuller and society to be richer. Education must be constantly adaptable to new conditions, need and discoveries. It must provide for all.

While planning for higher education, we should if found necessary sidestep the burden of custom. and free our outlook from the shackles of traditionalism so as to would our universities to the needs of today and tomorrow. This must be a continuous process from earliest childhood to maturity.

In one respect this would break away from the old-type of departmental specialization which often ended with a student knowing a great deal about his own subject but very little about anything related to it. We cannot ignore the fact that specialization is necessary in a complex, modern society, but synthesis -- the bringing together of subjects so that we can perhaps find an underlying pattern in them -- is just as necessary.

To achieve this, it would be useful to tbllow an integrated course of study, giving time for students to pursue their specialized subjects for half the period of any course, and then allowing them to study with their fellow students in related subjects for threats of the period. Such a course would make their specialized learning meaningful. It might even turn experts into wise men.

Any system of learning which strives only to stuff individuals with knowledge will fall short of the broad aims of education. One •of the cardinal aims of education should be development of character and personality. For this students should be trained to think and judge independently, and to broaden their vision so as to understand, appreciate and accommodate opposing views. Most important of all, they should be trained to take a genuine interest in the life at surrounds them and to show a keen desire to contribute to its improvement.

This spirit of social obligation and readiness to sink personal and group activities in the common good of a larger whole, should be developed in full in the individuals. Education, in short, should be designed to produce a people capable of concessive action to identify their collective interests and to act in furtherance of them.

A fitting epitome to the aims of higher education is the remarks by Dr. Zakir Husain in a take on The state and Higher Education" that you (the students) have to work on yourselves to build, on the foundations of our peculiar endowiamt, a harnorious, stable and sensitive character. This character VGd will lytrness to some of the higher values of life,, that is, more than the merely personal. It will transform you into a moral personality. For individuality though character to personality is the destiny Of a worth while human life." This should be the goal of higher education.

Short Essay on The Muharram Festival

The Muharram is hardly a festival. We may call it mourning. The Muslims celebrate it in honor of the great Husayn. He scarified his life after fasting for ten days. The Muslims of Shia take part in this festival.

The Story

The story of the festival is very touching. None can help weeping. The Muharram has a historical background. Mohammad, the prophet, had two grandsons through his daughter. They were named Hassan and Husayn. Husayn was bravest and the purest man of his time. Hassan was caught by the enemy, Yazid-ul-Maviya. He was put to death. Husayn fought against the enemy. The war went in for 20 days. In the end the enemies surrounded Husayn while he was crossing the desert. He was prisoned for ten days. He was given no food or drink. On the 10th day he was put to death.

How the Festival is Celebrated

The festival lasts for ten days. It begins with the appearance of the new moon of the month on which it falls. A place is selected. All the mourners, great and small, gather there. It is called the council of mourners. They pray thought-out whole day. All distribute alms to the poor. For ten days they weep for Husayn. They curse the cruel Yazid.

Celebration of the Tenth Day

On the 10th day, bamboo frameworks are taken out from the place in procession. These frame works represent the tombs of Hassan and his ones. They are called marsias.They weep bitterly. Some of the mourners become wild with grief. All shout ‘O Hassan ! o Hassan!’ Women beat their breast with their hands in sorrow. They pass the whole night in this way.

Last Day of the Muharram

On the tenth day, which is the last of the festival, the tazias are carried to the Karbala the burial ground. There they are buried with loud cheers to Hassan and Husayn. After this they return home. They pass an hour in prayers. Then they sit down to the great for them. Thus the great festival of the Muharram comes to an end.


The Hindus show sympathy with there Muslim neighbors in their sorrow. They offer cold drinks to the mourners. Some of them out flowers and sweet on the tazias. A bad aspect of the festival is that, when the tazias are taken out, the rival parties quarrel.

Short Essay on Aashura Muharram

It is an important Muslim festival which commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic year which begins with this festival. It is celebrated by the Muslims all over the world, but their ways of celebration are different.

It is believed that during this month, while on a journey, Hazrat Imam Hussain, his family members and a large number of his followers were surrounded by the forces of Yazid, the Muslim ruler at that time.

During their serge, they were harassed and tortured, even some of them were put to death. This dispute was the result of the disagreement among Muslims regarding the question of succession arising out of the demise of the fourth caliph, Hazrat Ali.

The Shias, an important sect of the Muslims, observe Muharram in different ways. They put on black clothes as a sign of mourning, with the start of the Muharram.

Majalis (assemblies) are held every day during the first nine days of the celebration, and events related to the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his parties are narrated by Shia orators.

On the tenth day of Muharram a large procession is taken out. They express their sorrows and briefs by inflicting wounds on their own bodies which is practiced to depict symbolically the sufferings of the martyrs.

In some parts of the world, drinking posts are set up temporarily by the Shia community where water and juices are served to all, free of charge. Thus, this festival is celebrated for 10 days starting from the first day of Muharram.