Essay On The Problems Of The Underdeveloped Countries.
Some countries like the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R, and the U.K. and some other countries in Europe have developed a great deal due to the excellent use they made of scientific knowledge and technology. The U.K. during the 17th and the 18th centuries conquered new territories and used the huge raw materials at their disposal in those countries. The raw materials were taken by the British to their country. When it was possible for them to derive power from steam to drive huge machineries, they made use of these raw materials.By exporting finished goods. England earned foreign exchange to considerable extent. During the nineteenth century. England and other countries of Europe were able to enrich themselves. They were able to raise the living standard of their people, devote scholars for research work, did social works. Thus they were able to be strong economically, politically' and socially'. The ruling countries became highly developed at the cost of the dependent countries.
Soon. there existed a gulf of difference between these developed countries and the undeveloped countries. For a time this relationship between the ruling country and the dependent country existed with no effective protect made by the latter. But during the last part of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th centun these countries became restive. The First Great War sounded a grave warning. The French Revolution of the 18th century had already awakened the common men.
The Second World War changed the very face of the world. The War ended with the emergence of the United nations Organisation. The world, after the cessation of hostilities, was a different world. The ruling nations found it difficult to control these countries any more and subjugate them. As a result, the people, of the Indo-Pak sub-continent won freedom. Many other countries followed suit.
As a result there arose the problem of the existence of these under-developed countries side by side with the highly developed countries, such a difference has been a case of danger for future wars. These countries remains dissatisfied and may be an easy prey to different-isms in the world. There may be a new association formed by these under-developed countries under the leadership and guidance of an ambitious part in the world. Soon another Great War may start.
Any war started now will destroy the world, as there will definitely be the use of the atom bombs. Apart from that, there cannot be any marked difference between one nation and another. We are now growing among us the spirit of oneness as belonging to one huge family of man. No country can think in terms of her own requirements only. Nation exists now to look after the national problems no doubt. But a nation has right to exist in relationship with other nations. There must exist among nations an international outlook. Without this international outlook no real peace can exist in the world.
The question now is. how to help these underdeveloped countries. The United Nations Organisation made effort to organise social works on world-footing. We have now the World Health Organisation. the United Nations Educational. scientific and Cultural Organisation, the United Nations International Children's Emergence Fund. An immense good is being done to help those countries that need them most. So. under the agencies of the World Organisation. already a good work is being done for the good of humanity specially for the people of the wider-developed countries.
America and the U.S.S.R are also spending substantial help in the form of aide for the development of various sectors in the under developed countries. There may be an attempt to win sympathy on the side of the helping nation. But politics apart, the aids given by some countries materially prosperous, will certainly make these underdeveloped countries attain prosperity by and by. Pakistan is an under-developed country. The British had drawn on liberally the resources from this region. Still, the country has resources yet untapped.
With the foreign aid Pakistan is able to use her natural resources for the good of the country, thereby adding to the total happiness of the world. Many foreign expert are engaged to probe the existence of oil or mineral. Already. they have been able to trace the existence of oil. coal and natural gas. Had there been no such co¬operative spirit among some developed countries, there would have been no opportunity for an under-developed country like Pakistan to develop, depending on her natural resources. The under-developed countries should be helped under the care. of the United Nations Organisation.
In conclusion, we may say that there should be a united effort to help these under-developed countries in a systematic way; The existence of these countries is a cause of great concern for us all. There is every possibility of a world conflagration due to the existence of these under-developed countries. In these days of international relationship, there is every need for similar development of the lot of all the people in all the nations of the world. The common man is the person to be helped for the good of us all.