Essay On History of Pakistan And India
Relations with India to us are very important and in some respect they are most important to us. Relations between Pakistan and India are of such utmost importance as Mr. Masihur Rehman said, that war between India and Pakistan if it ever took place would be a war of special character, it would be a war which would inevitably affect the minorities in both the countries. It will affect 100 million Muslims of India and about 10 millions Hindus in Pakistan. So this can be the war of grave, the most devastating and the most barbaric war that man can face.So far we have been able to hold our own despite overwhelming odds and difficulties. We have been able to hold our own, not because we are capable or efficient but because of the sacrifices made by the people of Pakistan to maintain a strong and viable Pakistan to face the Indian threat. In the ups and downs and the vicissitudes of cries we have had with India from 1947 onwards, the high water mark was reached during the Rann of Kutch dispute. This is the way sOmetimes history moves. It becomes uncontrollable; events get out of hand; events have their own dynamics. A time came when the whole Indian army was poised against the Frontiers of Pakistan and the Pakistan army had to take the counter-measures.
Those 10 mountain divisions which our Western allies had provided to India for the defence of India against Laddakh were poised against the plains of the Punjab. These very same 10 mountain divisions which we were told were meant for India's defence against the Chinese in Laddakh were poised against and were facing Pakistan. As a result a deadly and dangerous confrontation existed between India and Pakistan. Our position is that the Rann of Kutch upto the 24th parallel is disputed territory which covets about 3,500 square miles. According to us that is Pakistani territory and we have sufficient evidence and proof to establish that these 3,500 square miles from part of the territory of Pakistan. India.
on the other hand claims that the Rann of Kutch is a part of Gujrat state and it is Indian territory. That is why the dispute arose. We saw India gradually creeping into the disputed territory. So we had to take measures in our self defence. It was incumbent on us not because we wanted to go to war with India. but because we believe in the following lines.
"We do not attack. We do not fight.
But if anyone else
Dares show his might.
Drawing out our swords
And shouting "God is Great.-
We war and win.
We win and create;
A mighty world
Of Liberty of all
A mightier state
Of equality of all.
With the help of the Quran And Muhammad and almighty Mussalaman.
It goes without saying that war with India is most deplorable thing for any one to .visualize and contemplate. but certainly we could not allow India to settle the dispute by force. Our point of view has been that we should settle all our disputes by the peaceful means of negotiations. mediation, arbitration, by recourse to Article 33 of the United Nations Charter and by another peaceful means that is available to states. So, here we found India trying • to settle a problem by military means and we were compelled to take action in defence of our own territory. We took that action.
Pakistan. without Jammu and Kashmir is a body without a head. Pakistan has tried is best to settle this dispute peacefully. But India always goes against it. President Ayub said, Pakistan also wanted to live in peace with India in spite of Delhi's hostile attitude for the last 18 years. Instead of living as good neighbours the Indian leaders designed their internal and external policies so as to weaken Pakistan.
Pakistan desired peace with India in spite of outstanding disputes between the two countries, like Kashmir and eviction of Muslims from the Indian states bordering Bangladesh. But, he said. Pakistan would not be a friend of a country which would want to throttle her. Now, he said, with the increased military might of India. thanks to the help of Western Powers. Pakistan faces greater danger from India. The Rann of Kutch clash was just a demonstration of force by India.
The clash showed that India wanted to settle disputes through military means. This proved that she believed in military solution of dispute. In view of this aggressive policy of India. Pakistan will be facing a difficult situation and the nation should be fully prepared to face it. The president further added: "Let our friends remember that those who cannot protect their own honour can be of no use to their friends either.-